Statement by Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot

Statements by Melaleuca Executive Chairman Frank VanderSloot


The roots of the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration stem from Frank’s personal love for the Fourth of July holiday, reminiscent of youthful nights in northern Idaho setting off firecrackers on the farm. “It was a big deal to us,” says Frank, remembering those summer nights, “And it’s kind of grown since then.”

“Our approach to creating one of the best fireworks shows in the country is to use the night sky above the Snake River as our canvas,” says Frank VanderSloot. “We’ll paint the entire sky, from top to bottom, using every color of the rainbow and synchronizing every shell and every note with the soundtrack.”

“In America, it’s easy to take our freedoms for granted,” Frank said. “Sometimes we need to be reminded that freedom isn’t free. It came at a tremendous cost, not paid by us, but paid by the over one million men and women who have died in battle since 1776. Their lives were cut short because of their incomprehensible sacrifice.”

“The Melaleuca Freedom Celebration is more than just entertainment on the Fourth of July,” Frank VanderSloot says. “The combination of fireworks, music and message provides magical moments of reflection and an opportunity to re-pledge allegiance to the flag that represents our nation. On a different level, it’s a heartfelt, unifying event for the community—but more importantly, it’s a tribute of gratitude to America’s heroes.”

“We honor our founders, mistakes and all, whose courage and devotion sparked a mighty revolution,” says Frank VanderSloot. “Those brave men and women fought for independence, for justice and for a world free from tyranny. They fought with words and ideas, with pen and parchment, with powder and musket. They fought for their homes, for their children, and for future generations.”